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Racer Y
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Quote from Gills4life :I totally agree. The systems aren't exactly the same, but so similar it makes little difference and has the same effect, just at a slower pace. It still has the same detrimental effect on the majority of us.

This is exactly the point I was trying to make though. The one candidate named in the post I was replying to, that will not prioritise the interests of the bankers, the banks, the major global corporations depleting common resources at an unsustainable level and the elite that are 'too big to fail', is made out to be unelectable because he will increase national debt. Face -> palm

Too many people are easily brainwashed by sound bites when they don't actually understand how things work to any meaningful degree. This is being proven by the backing Trump is getting and also by the working class in this country that voted Conservative buying into the hugely biased right wing media that they're more 'fiscally responsible' than Labour, simply because they were unfortunate enough to be governing through the global financial crisis. They actually managed to convince a large enough percentage of this country that the Labour government caused the global financial crisis. It's scary how people just believe it and then when they're ask to justify why they think this, they regurgitate the same sound bites you read from these biased sources or from misleading politicians who want power. So many people blindly accept what they read when it's either misleading or simply not true. Shrug

Close, but no fact, pretty damned close.
" is made out to be unelectable because he will increase national debt." Those clowns all increase national debt. That's not why he's inelectable though. There's more to it than that. Oh yeah, he'll increase the debt by leaps and bounds - if he had left leaning houses of Congress too. But there would be enough conservatives in there to shoot down most of pie in the sky ideals. No. he has other issues he needs to address. Like... How would Sanders do on the world stage? He's not a tough guy and our good friends Iran and N. Korea would take full advantage of that.
Trade deals? What does that little socialist know about free trade? Especially seeing how he wants to regulate it to death. If that's such a good idea, then why are so many industries moving from California, where overregulation is king, to Texas where there are no such restrictions? Even with the oil falling, we're still able to function quite well. He's a big fan of raising the minimum wage to where it becomes a working wage. Meaning you can actually live off it. That looks pretty good on the surface. "Looks"... If that is done, where you can now make as much money flipping burgers as what you can make doing heavy construction, skilled labor or entry-level financial, where will the incentive be for people to pursue those careers when they make the same amount of money just by asking us if we want fries with that? And again blanket social policy WILL NOT WORK in the USofA. And that's what he's pretty much based his platform on.
Socialized medicine.... What a crock.... How many of you Eurotypes look at the prospect of going to jail for income tax evasion if you can't afford health care? Yeah. That's our version of socialized medicine.
No better service, no real affordability, just a law saying you have to have insurance. And they will penalize your income if you can't afford it. Doesn't that make sense? And forget about subsidies. The subsidize crap is pretty much a lie. I can go on all day about how big a mess Obamacare is here.
Sanders wants to scrap Obama crae with a single pay system. Sounds good to you realize what that payment is going to be and of course he'll still rely on the income tax punishment as a way to enforce that and it really won't do a damned thing as far as improving healthcare.
Sanders and Trump.... You know we were all taught as kids to know B.S. when we see it. Did people forget that somehow?
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from major_syphillis :Many people compare the politics in different countries to what Bernie Sanders wants to do in America.

"Many Democratic Socialist States starting with the “Most Happy” country Denmark, and including Sweden, Norway, Finland, Iceland, etc"

Are you guys really that happy that you are taxed so much? Does it work out well?

Thanks in advance.

Who in their right mind is happy about being taxed - any amount?
But I think it's a relative term, being taxed too much that is. See in the Scandinavian countries they get immediate self benefit from that sort of taxation. We can't do that here. They get a very big bang for their buck too. And again, we couldn't do that even if we paid on average twice as much as they do in taxes.
But then again the economic stimulus that gets lost through tax increases isn't that big of a factor for them.

Sanders..... LOL let's go ahead and pretend this moron has a snowball's chance in hell of getting elected...Liberal policies don't work here. We are heavily individualistic by nature. We have an entrepreneurial spirit that doesn't work well in a highly regulated environment. And we already have generation of people stuck in the poverty level due to mis-managed social welfare. That would only increase - by a lot if Sanders somehow became President. If Sanders decides to Tax the rich corporations or whatever, they'll simply move. Same if they taxed the rich. Besides, why should you punish success? Doesn't doing that sort of kill off the incentive to succeed? So guess who they can tax that can't really afford to take themselves or their assets out of the country? The middle class. Or what's left of it. Now if we'd quit slinging money out to all these countries that hate us, stop borrowing money to give aid to nations that seem to think they're oh so much better than us, then the money saved from that might could go to giving American college kids free tuition..... til of course the higher education mafia decided to raise the price of tuition.
Plus, he wants to increase the size of the government by something like 40%. Is this guy on drugs? Where does he think the money'll come from? The tooth fairy?
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Racer X NZ :"Forget the politicians. The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice . . . you don’t. You have no choice. You have owners. They own you. They own everything."

I don't know why your so worried about Trump, In the US your votes are completely pointless and mean nothing.

"Republican National Committeeman Curly Haugland of North Dakota sent a letter on Friday to fellow RNC officials arguing that current party rules allow 2016 Republican National Convention delegates to vote for the presidential candidate of their personal preference during the first round of voting, rather than voting along with the will of voters in their states.

"Haughland, who told The Daily Caller that he believes Trump will not obtain enough delegates to win the nomination, said, “The nominee of the party must receive a majority of the votes of the permanently feted delegates of the convention. That means it doesn’t make any difference what has happened in terms of primary voters, because they don’t count at the convention. It’s only the delegates at the convention whose votes matter.”"

See, so you'll either have Mitton's or Hillary as your next leader.

While Mitton's said he wasn't running in Jan 2015, that can well change. And who better to stand than someone who hasn't been beaten by Trump.

There's no Either to it. We're (YOU'RE) going to be stuck with Hillary. And you're talking about The establishment Republicans trying to pull off a brokered convention. And you're right. It would throw away every primary and caucus voter's votes. And that is very much noted among conservatives and the GOP knows what penalty it'll pay if it does that. Actually all that would do is keep Trump from getting the GOP nomination. IT doesn't do a thing in stopping Hillary from being elected. If anything, it insures her victory. There are all sorts of republicans warning the GOP against attempting a brokered convention.
Oh... and Romney threw his support behind Cruz. I sorta got thrown for a loop with Rubio dropping out. I figured he'd get all the backing from the establishment. Oh well.
Rubio's screwed now. This clown has been living off of other people's money for a few years now.
He's now flat broke and is now considered a has-been in politics. Unless he finds some sort of miracle, his political career is over. I don't see him getting re elected as a senator. Not after the beating he took in the Florida primary. That's his home state.
Who really ought to be upset about worthless votes are the democrats. They just think they have a choice with Sanders. If the Republicans do decide on a brokered convention, forget about all the left-wing morons protesting outside. The real insanity and mayhem will be on the inside.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from chanoman315 :So many stupid Trump supporters in this thread hahaha

Yeah dude.... Trump... He's not so popular here either. He managed to piss off a lot of vatos.
Yeah, the way things are going here, Mexico might just have to build that wall..... to keep us out!
The word "ex-pat" gets used a lot lately.
Come to think of it, I only know of ONE group of people he hasn't pissed off or said anything bad about. And that's Gays. He's in the republican party. They invented homophobia, yet he leaves that bunch alone and instead pisses off and alienates every other group - voting demographic. What's up with that?
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from AtomAnt :Hey,

Lets all talk about Peter. Peter Collins, that funny lad, well funny in the head. WHAT...nobody talks of him no more.


What's to say? Funny? Uh.... relative concept. To talk about another poster in the forums though, it should be something nice. Like if we were to call him names or type something mean it would and should get us banned.
So something nice.......
I Know!
Thanks to Peter Collins, he has me thinking about the Lord!
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from :You answered your own question. Very good Wink

Yeah.... But see, it's always been that way. I dunno was just a little delusional and was hoping for some sort of Renaissance with Rockingham (S3) as far as the abandoned servers goes.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from AtomAnt :You need to move.

To where? Actually that's being discussed. Probably in the middle of East Texas in the middle of the wwods. We have some land there. Too anti-social to live in Canada and even almost maybe think about Euroland.
And Latin America? Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'd get into all sorts of fun there.
And Russia or Eastern Europe? I love those people but see Latin America. And I'm really waaaaay too old for that crap.
So yeah. the middle of the East Texas Woods. Sheldon's mom is a tame example of the nut cases there, but they appreciate the value in not bothering other people with different neurosis-es so long as they aren't Gay or Liberal. They still sort of freak out on those types. Contrary to media B.S. even Muslims (once they prove themselves) are accepted, but there are some areas where even ISIS would learn to be afraid of.
I dunno. Can LFS play worth a flip in Belize? It ought to. You know they have Queen Elizabeth as the person on their money. The ONLY person.
But I think I'm stuck in Texas. Besides, My ancestors go back pretty much to when the Spaniards ran the place. Little late to just pack up and leave now. And all those nut cases that think teaching evolution leads to school shootings and that Obama used to be a male prostitute are like over 75 years old. It really shouldn't be long now. Yeah. As long as Joel Olsteen doesn't decide to enter politics, we should be OK.
Wait a minute.....
Joel Olsteen and Oprah Winfrey for President!!!!!! WTF. I'd vote for them.
S3 blues
Racer Y
S3 licensed
OK At this moment i'm trying to play online. I realize that in the US of A LFS isn't all that popular, but still it has some sort of following and of course the insomniac eurotypes out there should be enough to where I shouldn't have to whine about this.
Any ways.
In fact, the number one track is Blackwood... I dunno.. It's kinda weird. all these years and all the various tracks and layouts and it's still Blackwood. All the whining for new content, wanting "real" tracks and I got 15 servers occupied and 12 of them running Blackwood. With all the crap out there to complain about, I guess this should be a non-issue, but still.....
Oh. would this be a good time to whine some more about doing something for the drag strip? At least it's not Blackwood.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Racer X NZ :Wasn't she in 'Melrose Place', 'Married with Children', 'Gilmore Girls' and 'Will and Grace' ?

I thought her name was familiar............Fap
(Age of consent in NZ is 16, so most of her early work is legal here. Thumbs up)

Today I Learned:- In the US of A, in 1880, the age of consent was set at 10 or 12 in most states, with the exception of Delaware where it was 7.

I don't know about Melrose Place... She wasn't in Married With Children, unless it was as a guest star.
I remember her being in a Steven King Miniseries..
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Does Tracy Lords count?
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Sean Connery.... everyone else is just a clone.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Bmxtwins :I honestly cannot tell if you are challenged, or illiterate at this point.


The 1947 law you are referring to does not state what you think it does.

It states that you can achieve Canadian citizenship (alongside another citizenship) if you are born in Canada, just as Cruz was. It then goes on to state that you only lose this citizenship if you were a NATURALIZED Canadian citizenship (which Cruz was not).

Cruz was a natural born Canadian by means of location, and a natural born American by means of his parents.

He was NOT naturalized in either countries, and you are just further proving you impotence. Give up.

FYI: I think Cruz sucks, but that doesn't excuse you from being blatantly wrong.

instead of all this birther nonsense, let's actually talk about Cruz and what he's done and what he thinks is a good idea - OK?
Cruz is a career politician. THe funny thing about him though is the only real thing he's done with his various positions he's held is to use them as a spring board for the next position. He hasn't done a thing really. Look up his "accomplishments" and see.
He's a big fan of the flat tax system. A lot of people are. They think that they get out of paying taxes with it. Wrong. they still have to pay taxes. With a flat tax system, in America, you're looking at an additional 20-25% increase in the cost of goods and services as that's what the flat tax is. Think about that. How much will consumers be inclined to spend money if there's a 25% tax added on to it at the point of purchase? Especially luxury, recreational and entertainment. Right, you'll be reluctant to buy said items. All sorts of industries will be badly affected by a flat tax as no one will want to spend money on them.
Yeah, You wanna go off about Cruz, go off about something tangible.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from petercollins :It is mindblowing that there are people living in the US who would actually vote Trump into office. The fact they voted George Bush Jr in twice is laughable, but Trump is a new low.

The country is the laughing stock of the world. Ok it always has been a laughing stock, but this is a new low for them. I just don't understand what their education system is producing, if a grown adult will walk into an election booth and mark a clown as their choice.

Their health service is among the worst in the world, their standard of living is the worst of the developed world, their attitude to violence, gun deaths and the environment is shameful. They deserve everything they get.

Hey. At least we're not some nanny state like Australia... Oh Wait.... Once Hillary gets in, she'll see to it that our individual rights are as lost as yours is. Hopefully, we can still buy property and if we had aboriginals, hopefully they could still get to buy beer and playboys if they want to.
Try to buy a slingshot down there lately? Hows that working out?
Attitude towards violence.... At least my attitude towards it is to defend against it and not go whining to some authority and hope for the best. Come to think of it, I was talking to a friend that lives in Geelong, They had a shooting there.... in a country that prohibits its citizens from owning one..... Go figure.
I expect those sorts of incidents to go way up with the increase in your "wog" population. You already have a thriving black market for firearms. Your laws do nothing but pretty much encourage it's expansion.
Wogs. Y'all just lump everyone that isn't you into one generic slur. At least here we value the right of the individual by having specific slurs based on one's ethic, racial, religious or sexually oriented background.
Our standard of living is the worst.... Really? Go buy property sometime in Aussieland and tell me what that's like - especially getting the mineral rights. Don't like what part of the country you live in? Well how easy is it for you to just pack up and re-invent yourself somewhere else? You can do that almost overnight here.
And shameful attitudes on the environment,,, Do you even know what you've copied and pasted at this point anyway? Before I screwed up and became an artist, I was working my way to being an industrial hygienist.
Know what that is? That's OK. Neither do they. Well in doing so one of my jobs was in Environmental remediation. Don't even have a clue about that one, do you? I'll make it simple for you. That's a really fancy name for a trash man that collects toxic waste. I specialized in bio and radioactive wastes You'd be surprised at who is and isn't the worst polluters. And you'd really be surprised at some of the crap that gets recycled from it. Sure the US cranks out a lot of waste. So does every other country that the rest of the planet buys its crap from. But unlike nations with simpleton knee-jerk legislation to outright ban production, we try to find better ways to reduce said waste and continue to do so. And if you somehow came here now after having been here 30 years ago, you'd notice this. You won't learn that from TV. Showing children with Asthma sells more advertising space.

"The country is the laughing stock of the world" you forgot....
The country is the policeman of the world.
The country is the mom of the world.
The country is the dad of the world.
The country is the physically abused girlfriend of the world.
The country is the physically abusive boyfriend of the world.
The country is the goto guy of the world.
The country is the last chance of the world.
Last edited by Racer Y, .
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from danielroelofs :Big grin Good effort still Racer NZ.

Anyway.. bankrupt island nation in middle of ocean with a governing board called usa... has every 4 years biggest comedy..

Have ppl actually heard what both hilly and trumpy said? They are more than rediculous... and its time this pathetic war nation loses petrodollar completely so their unrealistic debt and monetary system gets to a sudden hold and stop. Or let just Putin and Russia handle it.. they out smart the complete obama administration time after time.. I would say its time to Nuke that island.. although I am not biggest fan of hurting innocent ppl so bit tough Smile It's funny to see how any confrontation is a big win for Russia in being technologically far superior. Haas F1 came in to F1 and stated: I could never have imagined how far the technological development is, it's not like North Carolina.. (His own words) Duhh.... us only walks 35 years behind Big grin

The frustrating thing.. although there might be some wise ones... is that the biggest part of the us ppl still dont seem to wake up..

I also read some stuff about right or left wingers... please stop it... there is no such thing.. only in ur mind it excist..!

You and them damned petro-dollars.... And you're not the only one. It's like this. If the standard goes from Dollar to something else, everyone goes over to something else. No more. No less. We are a total global economy. The "petro-dollar" being the US dollar is merely a formality at this point. The Saudis still have the oil. The investors still are in New York. The loans are still drawn up in Zurich. The oil gets pulled out by the Dutch, taken to Texas to make Gas out of and ultimately poured into a Japanese car.
What changes with all that if the petrodollar gets converted into ....Mozambican Meticals?
In fact, if that were to happen, it might even benefit our economy over here. All them money launders would have legitimate employment.
Oh. and this is the death blow to that nonsensical theory you have about petrodollars....
If you want to replace the US dollar with another currency, then it can be done literally overnight.
And easily too. How? Simple. In whatever country you want to be the petrodollar country have the government there insure all the bank accounts for a higher amount than we do here. That would do it.
Another thing would be to make the cost of doing business in what ever country cheaper than it is here.
That doesn't mean just allow a place for cheaper labor. To the Average American, most of Euroland is an over regulated, tax and spend mess. Most of the Eurotypes I meet here in the US of A are here simply because their home economies were too stifling and didn't do much for encouraging entrepreneurs.
But this is about US politics, for some reason....
Yeah. This is the worst Presidential election in our history. I still think Trump is working for the Clintons. Even though with what the GOP had to offer, she had this election in the bag before the primaries started. I don't know why the rest of the planet is so terrified of Hillary though. She's not all that into foreign policy. Her sights are set domestically. Unless ISIS goes even more nuts or N.Korea (what's the name of that moron with the school shooter haircut?) decides to blow up more bombs or something, her first term will almost entirely be focused on the nation and domestic issues.
I dunno. I'd like to see a radical independent campaign. Bernie Sanders and Rand Paul. Here in the states though, that's impossible. I think something like that would be a good thing. I know one is a liberal and the other a conservative, but both are strongly libertarian. I think a combination like that would be hell of a lot better than the crap we're stuck with now.
What we should do is fire all of our politicians and replace them with illegal aliens. Yeah. You show me a Home Depot parking lot and I'll show you a House of Congress that'll get the job done more efficiently and cheaper than what we got now!. The President won't need Air Force One. He'll have a cousin named Chuy that has a Chevy extended cab and a Green Card! And if one of them can't get the job done? Well forget about wasting all that time and money with elections. We just deport his ass, go down to Home Depot and get another one.
Yeah yeah yeah.. I know you ain't got a clue about what I'm talking about Dan. Yeah. You'll just have to google Home Depot and Undocumented laborers and extended cabs or something.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
"Yes, I am working on VR features. As both Vive and Rift are shipping within a month, this has become the most important thing. Tyre physics can wait another month."
What? You said THAT? YOU? You and them damned tire physics? Nah. Say it isn't so.....

This is ongoing and I won't be able to say any more because if there was any more information, it would be under NDA. You'll just have to leave that to me, I'm working on it.
NDAs can sorta suck. I can't go into half of what my son does because of them.
That sucks too. Get a kid that does something cool and you can't brag on them.

If you want to do something cool with the occulus in mind Scawen, you should try to design a track that takes advantage of the "dizziness" factor from wearing those goggles.
A race game really looks good and performs pretty good with them. But I noticed it lacked the illusion of G forces. Going around corners was about the same as it is going around corners using a conventional monitor set-up. Where as on a roller coaster simulator, it didn't just look all 3d, it kind of felt that way too.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Forbin :

If you look at previous election years (2012 and 2008), this same search trend pops up, although usually in November, around the time of the General Election. It's unclear if it's a larger spike than previous election years.

I have to imagine any right-wingers looking to move north in the event of a Clinton or Sanders presidency are going to be sorely disappointed.

Yeah. As a somewhat right-winger, I agree. I mean what good is smoking pot if you can't shoot anything?...
Yeah, most presidential elections of late, the Bush and Obama administrations in particular, the more fringe elements of the spectrum starts looking at Canada as if it's some place to hide. As a fellow American, isn't it kinda embarrassing if you think about it? Didn't Rush Limbaugh briefly move to Costa Rica when Obama first got elected?. Yeah. He moved back cause he was too fat for the little country. LOL Love handles flopping over into Nicaragua.....
I ran into so many Canadians that are scred Sh!tless of a Clinton Presidency..... Wasn't expecting that.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from CardsetCrazy :I just saw the picture in Imgur and thought I would post it here. I don't know much about the election but I think Sanders sounds better option.

Of course you do... he wants to turn us into Scandinavian States of America.....LOL
I looked up the political parties of Finland. According to wikipedia, y'all have like eight active parties
We wouldn't know how to handle that here. But I got to thinking.... If we did have a multi-party system, we'd make it like out pro sports teams.
We'd have the Left and Right Conferences. And then instead of a general election, we'd have a playoff system where the parties in their respective conferences battled it out for a chance at the "superbowl" Which would be the actual parties and their clowns that we vote for in national elections.
But then instead of being stuck with the idiots we have now, if we did that we'd have something like neo nazis versus Greens. Yeah. That would suck.

Scandinavia.... Y'alls command of the English language is impressive. I hung out with some Swedish folks in Belize. Their Accents were almost unnoticable. They could've claimed they were from......Ohio and been believable.
Now go to Minnesota and Wisconsin in the US. those states are full of Norwegians and Swedish people. Listen to their version of English. It's not even almost the same.

Back on topic. Romney.... He's raising his head babbling about how bad Trump is.... I don't know what his angle is (running mate for Rubio?), but He said he didn't care about 49% of us. So I don't care about his sorry ass either. If that's all the GOP establishment has is a whining failed former candidate, then Trump isn't going to have any problems with the GOP establishment.

I just saw a news story about Google Queries. Apparently Google is getting requests on information on immigrating from the US to Canada. And this is out of fears of a Trump or Clinton presidency.
I dunno.... I love Canadians to death, but it's too cold for me. Central America is more appealing to me.
I can sorta speak the language and it's full of Canadians.
Last edited by Racer Y, .
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Haven't actually tried LFS with the goggles. My son thinks it should work without any problems. But he said if it has problems and if the driver thing (VorpX?) isn't compatible he can fool with camera settings in the game. Don't ask me what all that means. AS far as menus and all that goes. I don't know.
We talked a little about it last night. Most of what he describes is over my head.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Racer X NZ :Well, i'm not so sure about that last bit. The US is insanely simple to understand really.

Bernie is the sensible choice. But no chance of winning.

Trump is the only chance to screw the Orange party. ( A bit obtuse but think about it Taped Shut)
I never thought that I would ever say that Trump is the sane choice, sadly, he is though.

BECAUSE, your only other choice is Hillary, well, four separate FBI investigations, facing treason charges, with all her past baggage, BUT as she is the Orange Party Choice, so she clearly will win.

All you need to do with the US is follow the REAL money choice. And Trump will withdraw, either through his death or some other threat.

He not only turned down any Orange Party money, he is also raising several issues that are supposed to be well dead and buried. And never discussed, that's what politicians in the US are payed for.....

Cruz is not legally able to stand as Pres or Vice Pres (Born in Canada, to a Cuban father) , so they are talking about bringing in Mitt Romney as a desperation move. Being cynical however, lets just see who is still standing (breathing) come the final election.

"Section 1 of Article Two of the United States Constitution sets forth the eligibility requirements for serving as president of the United States, under clause 5:

No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

The Twelfth Amendment states, "No person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States." "

uh... Cruz is American as Obama is.... And NO there are NO plans to bring Romney to replace him. It doesn't work that way. The establishment Republicans are all lining up behind Rubio and are wringing their hands, praying for a miracle.
You should start to see the hot air drain from Trump's balloon. More and more dirt about the history of his
"big deals" are coming out. Clinton's not the only one facing legal depositions.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Amynue :I don't know... .

If you think VR support is a waste of time and it's delaying LFS development, I'm afraid you are wrong. From my perspective VR is what brought Scawen back to active development of LFS. He seems genuinely excited about new possibilities VR brings to the world of simracing. It also an opportunity to make LFS shine again and gain new players.

Uhhhh.... scawen shouldn't have to do a whole lot, if anything to make LFS VR compatable. Like I've said, I don't know the names for half of this stuff, but I do know they make some sort of third party drivers that pretty much allows you to play just about anything using the occulus.
One big drawback - you still look nerdy using them though
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from CardsetCrazy :

Uhhhhh..... He's dead on arrival. Unless some sort of miracle happens, Hillary will win every single primary and caucus. This was pretty much guaranteed before Obama even got his second term.
Finland... It's a little different than the rest of the Scandinavian countries, isn't it?
Sanders is envious of Denmark. LOL Almost every American is envious of the Scandinavian countries. The nice vacations, the working social welfare system and the MALE maternity leave! Yeah. We all kinda wish we could do that here. That's the sad thing about Sanders. He doesn't realize that we can't be like Denmark. There are certain conditions that have to be just so for that to work. And we don't even come close to meeting them. It's just not the way we are. I kinda like him though. Better than the other clowns running from either party. He has all these great ideas. He really does. Free tuition, a free health-care system. Yeah. Just don't ask him how we're supposed to pay for it. Plus, the last thing we need is a guy that looks like a pushover internationally. Domestically? He has no pull. there's no way anyone in the houses of congress will cooperate with him anyways. But on the world stage? Not only would North Korea and Iran be going all out nuts, people would just make up names of countries and make up grievances just to shake him down.

You know. I finally figured out something about all you "foreigners" and how y'all seem to know so much about American politics. In a lot of cases, better than you do your own. After studying various countries governments I finally caught on. It's cause it's simpler! Do you even know how many political parties are in your country?
I asked a dude from Canada who their President was. He said they had a Prime Minister. So I asked him who the Prime Minister was. He said he didn't know.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
I've played ...project cars? with the occulus thingee. No. I didn't buy them. I'm not spending $600 to play a video game. It's all to do with my son and his job. I don't know the name of half the crap. Anyways, those goggles really change the way the game is played in many aspects. I could see it beneficial in racing games as you can look around and see the other drivers instead of fumbling for buttons.
What's really cool is roller coaster sims. Man that's a blast with those things. I figure with smart phones, the price for this gadget will fall.
I also see a whole lot of potential of this technology besides just fancier video games.
I wonder if I should put LFS on his computer. He lives in the same house, uses the same router, Has a G27 too.... Nah. His wife would kill me.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Laser scanned tracks..... How about one for the rally cars? Yeah. The Baja 500.
One of the things that the Rockingham addition has done is make me wonder who it is that designs race tracks.
As far as mods goes.... I'm happy with the tracks and cars. Don't really feel the need to fool with whatever mods are out there already. But if they just have to mod something in LFS, then how about putting a working train in So. City? That would be cool.
@ Flotch:
"The request to include the Nordschleife in LFS as been discussed a lot."
You're right. It has. And over the years, I've noticed it's usually you that brings it up Smile
Yeah, that would be a cool track. I bet a major hassle to scan and map out though. I wonder if surveyors would be of any use in modeling real tracks?
I actually know a guy that used to design race tracks. Yeah I met him at the bar after work one night. He told me he designed race tracks. Sounds cool huh? I thought so. He designed drag strips. He hated it. It was a real dead end job. And he quit doing it. So I hadn't seen him in a few years and and I see him a couple a nights ago. He told me just quit his old job and is starting his new job. I asked what his old job was. He told me designing race tracks. I thought he hated designing drag strips and quit doing it. He told me he didn't design drag strips. He was designing Formula One tracks. He said for a while he thought his career was really going somewhere but that in the end all it was was one big circle of the same ol same ol. So he got a new job he's all excited about. Yeah. He designs parking lots for mega-churches.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
You know, as far as the Syrian Conflict goes, there's a whole group of people that are virtually ignored in all of it. These people are very important too. But you rarely if ever hear about them and how the conflict has affected them. We hear all about the Kurdish folks, but there's a group of people in that region that are equally, if not more affected by what's going on. That's the Druse Muslims. They straddle the Israeli Syrian border and pretty much have the run of the Golan Heights.
These people have held key positions in both the Israeli and Syrian Governments. Yet we never hear anything about them and what they're into.
You'd think they'd be a big factor in how all that plays out.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
.....Already on the AM talk radio circuit (if you want to know about American Politics and the people that participate in them,you need to know about that)they are going after Trump with everything they have.
The AM radio is dominated by GOP talk radio hosts. What I predict will happen is Rubio, not Cruz gets enough delegates to get the nomination, Trump decides to run as an independent and Hillary Clinton walks on into the White House. Cruz will win Texas, but that's as far as he goes. Rubio is the last establishment republican standing and they'll mindlessly rally around him. Cruz is so anti-establishment, they'll let him hang himself.
Sanders..... this guy just doesn't have the mainstream democratic voter's attention. Plus, even the most brain dead intellectual knows that his pie in the sky ideas are both not going to happen and fiscally impossible. Hillary's vote machine has been well maintained years before she even announced her bid.
Something that's going on at a lower level that you may or may not be aware of is even more ominous. The Governor of our state and a few others are trying to get a law passed that grants the state authority to override federal mandates and laws it objects to. This is being looked at very seriously in what they call red states. States that are dominated politically by the republican party. Democrat states are called blue states. When Hillary Clinton gets elected, and she will, what do you think is going to happen? I think the rest of the planet will be safe from her, for a couple of years. It'll really be determined by what all comes into play domestically. I see her attempting to stack the supreme court before she spits out executive orders all over the Bill of Rights.
The Patriot Act and Obama Care are going seem like good ideas after she gets through.
I'm beginning to think that's what Jade Helm was all about all along. They set up observations here, not to look for potential terrorists or even document cartel activity, They were sizing up potential opposition. Texas ain't like the rest of the US. How do you get 40 million or so rednecks to give up their arms? Especially after they've decided not to pay attention to you anymore? After she gets elected, I see the separatists groups as gaining actual political clout. Mainstream people joining it's ranks or becoming sympathizers to the cause. It won't be the lunatic fringe waving flags anymore. And what she does and doesn't get away with as President will determine how far all that goes.
I'm wondering how bad world markets will take a hit come election day?
I wonder if she'll be able get impeached before she can declare martial law?